We have moved! Mango Information Systems (Belgium) is now Alef (Spain).

Online CSV to JSON converter

Easy, privacy-friendly online csv to json converter.

New conversion

Drop or select a CSV file

Drop CSV file here

Or paste CSV text sample

Or enter a URL

Your conversions

How it works

  1. Load file or paste your CSV data
  2. Preview results and adapt parameters if necessary
  3. Get the results

About CSV to JSON converter

This tools lets you convert CSV data to JSON format in a few clicks.

Privacy friendly

Your data never leaves your browser, thanks to the HTML5 File API.

The following anonymous data is however recorded in Google analytics, in order to allow us to measure tool usage and improve csv-to-json:

  • The set of features used during the conversion
  • Number of lines in the converted CSVs


We've made sure that large files also get converted and don't lock your browser.


We focused on making it easy and efficient. There is certainly some room for improvement left, do not hesitate to make suggestions. We can be reached on github or in our contact page.

Open source

You can find the source code of this app on Github.

We use the open source library papaParse to perform the conversions.

About us

Alef is a freelance activity specialized in Data Science / Business Intelligence.

We help businesses with their data integration and analytics problems, making sure that both technology and processes are streamlined.

We have moved! Mango Information Systems (Belgium) is now Alef (Spain).